Ayurveda, an indigenous ancient medical science of India, is more than 5000 years old. Centuries back Ayurveda was the main medical stream practiced in India. It is considered to be an Upveda of Atharva Veda. Mention of use of herbs for medicinal purpose is found in the oldest available written literature of world, Rigveda.Literally, the word Ayurveda is a combination of two words: Ayu + Veda. Ayu means life and Veda means the science. Thus, Ayurveda is a science of life and not only science of diseases. The aim of Ayurveda is “SwasthasyaSwasthyarakshnam, aturasyavikaraprashaman” i.e. propagation of health and cure of diseases. The faith in the power of its principles along with the availability of a vast majority of herbs in India has always been a thrust behind survival of this scientific art of healing. It is a science of health based on universal principles and profound insights into the connection between mind and body and the laws of nature which structure all progress in life. It is promising to see that this ancient Vedic wisdom is now becoming more widely sought after.
The ideology of Ayurveda views the human body as part of its environment, which means any changes in the environment will manifest in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual faculties of the human body.This holistic ideology furthermore extends to how Ayurveda treatments are performed. Ayurvedic treatments target the root cause of the problem rather than merely suppressing the symptoms. It focuses on achieving the perfect harmony between the mind, body, and soul to live a disease-free, active life.
Ayurvedic therapy or treatment is administered as a combination of herbal concoctions and lifestyle changes that help balance the three principle energies of the body: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These principle energies or doshas are present in every individual with varying strength and magnitude. The one dosha that is predominant among the rest determines the overall constitution of the individual, also known as Prakriti.
In Kerala, Ayurveda continued to thrive over the centuries – because of the land’s geographical isolation -even as its fortunes declined across India.
Kerala is the paradise of Ayurveda. No country in the world can claim parity with Kerala in Ayurveda. Kerala is blessed with a good climate, and an abundance of natural herbs that makes it the best place to enjoy a rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapy session. For rejuvenation therapy the ideal time in Kerala is monsoon (June to November). The cool and rainy atmosphere forces the body to open its pores to the maximum when herbal oils penetrate to the body quickly to have optimum result. The temperature during the monsoon season is relatively even during the day and night and so stresses the body very little. Furthermore, the rain draws the dust out of the air which is also beneficial during the treatment.
Around four million people are coming to India every year for Ayurveda treatment. People from all over the world come to Kerala in search of Ayurveda treatment – either for rejuvenation or to find a cure. The ideal climate, blessed landscape with forests and mountains are ideal to grow herbs and medicinal plants on their own. Adequate infrastructure facilities with enough highly qualified and experienced Ayurveda Physicians are the reason for the development of Ayurveda treatments in Kerala.
According to Ayurveda, diseases arise when these doshas become vitiated because of an external or internal stimulus linked to eating habits and the amount of physical exercise you get in a day.
Ayurvedic treatments ensure all three doshas are at their optimum levels. The duration and method of the treatment may vary depending on the Prakriti or inherent constitution of the individual.
What are the 4 basics of Ayurveda?
According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of four basics-the dosha, dhatu, mala and agni. There is immense significance of all these basics of the body in Ayurveda. These are also called the 'Mool Siddhant' or the 'basic fundamentals of Ayurvedic treatment'.
The three vital principles of doshas are vata, pitta and kapha, which together regulate and control the catabolic and anabolic metabolism. The main function of the three doshas is to carry the byproduct of digested foods throughout the body, which helps in building up the body tissues. Any malfunction in these doshas causes disease.
Dhatu can be defined as one, which supports the body. There are seven tissue systems in the body. They are as Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Mjja and Shukra which represent the plasma, blood, muscle, fat tissue, bone, bone marrow and semen respectively. Dhatus only provide the basic nutrition to the body and it helps in the growth and structure of mind.
Mala means waste products or dirty. It is third in the trinity of the body i.e. doshas and dhatu. There are three main types of malas, e.g. stool, urine and sweat. Malas are mainly the waste products of the body so their proper excretion from the body is essential to maintain the proper health of the individual. There are mainly two aspects of mala i.e. mala and kitta. Mala is about waste products of the body whereas kitta is all about the waste products of dhatus.
All kinds of metabolic and digestive activity of the body takes place with the help of the biological fire of the body called Agni. Agni can be termed as the various enzymes present in the elementary canal, liver and the tissue cells.
For hundreds of years the Ayurveda Vaidyas (traditional practitioners of Ayurveda) were almost the only access for people seeking healing from every kind of disease in Kerala. The Vaidyas (traditional practitioners) – especially the legendary Ashtavaidyas renowned for their magical healing touch -played a key role in strengthening the tradition of Ayurveda in the State. The Ashtavaidyas and their successors treated the entire state for centuries. Being the only resort of treatment for the people, the Vaidyas of Kerala were challenged to interpret the theories of Ayurveda and adapt them actively into effective healing systems in everyday life. Thus almost all the contemporary procedures and protocols of Ayurveda have evolved in and around Kerala. In Kerala Ayurveda is not just a healthcare system but it is a part of every aspect of life, in fact it is a lifestyle in Kerala.
Benefits of Kerala Ayurveda
1. It addresses the root causes of diseases.
While normal medications cure only the symptoms of a particular disease, Kerala Ayurveda goes a step deeper and aims to address whatever abnormality is causing the disease itself. This ensures that the disease does not reappear in the body anytime soon.
2. It is 100% natural.
Ayurveda uses only natural herbs and minerals to treat the ailing person. So, there is no harm done to the body. It is completely safe and there are no negative side effects.
3. It eradicates stress.
Stress seems to be the most common reason for many ailments in the present day and age. The Ayurvedic massage treatments especially, help a lot to release the internal pressure buildup and stress in a person’s body.
Best Time for Kerala Ayurveda Treatment
The best time to opt for an Kerala Ayurveda treatment is without doubt the monsoon season, especially the month of Karkidakam .The temperature in the rainy season (from June to September) is maintained at 24-28 degrees which makes it very conducive for the body to receive the therapy. The atmosphere during this season is cool, moist and dust free which opens up the body’s pores, making it absorb the oils easily.
Types of Kerala Ayurveda Treatments
Ayurvedic treatments can be classified into two broad categories:
- Preventive treatment – taking preventive measures to prevent diseases.
- Curative treatment – intensive measures taken to cure an existing disease.
Any type of curative treatment first begins with the internal purification of the body (also known as Panchakarma). Panchakarma uses herbal medicines to removes the toxins from the body, improve the body’s metabolic process and restore any imbalances.
There are 5 ways in which Panchakarma treatment may be administered. Any one of these therapies or a combination of two or three of them, are generally used for this treatment process.
1. Vamana
Vamana uses emetics (a substance that causes vomiting), to eliminate toxins present in the respiratory tract. It cures diseases such as asthma, allergies, nasal congestion, obesity, skin disorders, etc.
2. Virecana
Virecana therapy uses laxatives to remove toxins from the liver and gall bladder. It helps cure diseases such as diabetes, constipation, psoriasis and gynaecological problems.
3. Basti
Basti uses medicated enema in the form of medicated oils and herbal concoctions to eliminate toxins from the colon. It helps cure conditions such as paraplegia, cervical spondylosis, constipation, digestive problems, backache, obesity and infertility.
4. Nasya
Nasya uses nasal administration of medicated oil to remove toxins from the head and neck region. It helps improve memory, gain better eyesight, and cures conditions such as insomnia, headaches, migraine, nasal allergies and sinusitis.
5. Rakta Mokshana (Bloodletting)
Rakta Mokshana refers to the bloodletting therapy through which blood is purified. This therapy however, is performed very rarely as there is a high risk of infection.
Commonly followingCurative Treatments
1. Pizhichil In Kerala Ayurveda
In this treatment, a special linen cloth is dipped into warm Kuzhambu, or a medicated oil mixture, and squeezed over the disease-affected areas of the patient. While simultaneously massaging those areas, care is taken to ensure no portion is missed out.This treatment is used to cure rheumatic diseases such as arthritis, paralysis, sexual weakness, nervous weakness and nervous disorders.
2. Njavarakizhi in Kerala Ayurveda
Njavarakizhi is a deeply refreshing and revitalizing massage that is practiced as rejuvenation therapy in order to alleviate the joint stiffness due to vata. Njavarakizhi treatment includes applying a certain amount of medicated oil all over the body to induce sweat or sudation. For that, a patient is made to lie down on the table. A gentle massage is practised with small Kizhis filled with Njavara rice. It treats rheumatism, emaciation of limbs, joint pains, high blood pressure and skin diseases.
3. Sirodhara in Kerala Ayurveda
Shirodhara involves the application of medicated oil on the patient's forehead. During the treatment, the patient is made to lie face up on a Droni (Ayurvedic therapy table), with a Vartti (headband) tied around the forehead. A vessel with a central orifice is filled with medicated oil and suspended six to eight inches above the patient's head. The flow of oil is set at a controlled rate. The headband protects the eyes in case of any oil spillage.Another sub-division of Shirodhara is Takradhara, where buttermilk is also poured along with the oil. This treatment has many therapeutic effects, especially in the improvement of the patient's mental health. It offers relief from Vata-related diseases and stress disorders. It also helps to treat insomnia, short term memory loss, skin diseases, headaches and mental illness. This is one of the major treatments in Kerala Ayurveda
4. Vasthi in Kerala Ayurveda
Vasthi in Kerala Ayurveda refers to a therapeutic enema treatment where medicated oils or herbal decoctions are introduced into the rectum, primarily used to balance Vata dosha and treat various ailments like constipation, back pain, arthritis, and neurological disorders; a prominent example of Vasthi in Kerala is "Kati Vasti," which specifically targets the lower back region with warm medicated oil applied within a specially made dough ring.
5. Sirovasthi in Kerala Ayurveda
Sirovasthi is an Ayurvedic treatment that involves pouring medicated oil onto the head and keeping it there for a set amount of time. It's considered one of the most important oil application treatments in Ayurveda.And is an effective treatment for paralysis, dryness of the nostrils, throat, mouth and head diseases.
6. Udvarthanam in Kerala Ayurveda
Udwarthanam is an Ayurvedic therapy treatment. Udhwartham can be divided into two words: ' Udhwa' and 'Vartham, ' where Udhwa means upward and Vartham means moving so Udwarthanam can be concluded as massaging in the upward direction, with the help of herbal powders. It helps treat complications such as paralysis, obesity, impaired circulation and skin diseases.
7. Abhyangam in Kerala Ayurveda
Abhyanga is a full-body massage with warm oil to improve blood circulationthat's a core practice in Ayurveda. It helps rectify conditions such as obesity, loss of skin luster, sleeplessness and fatigue.
8. Nasyam in Kerala Ayurveda
Nasyam is a powerful cleaning method for the head region. It mainly cleans the ‘kapha’ dosha from the upper body.This treatment involves the application of medicated oils and herbal juices through the nose. It is an effective cure for certain headaches, skin diseases, paralysis and mental disorders.
9. Kizhi
Kizhi is a targeted pain management treatment in Ayurveda. This treatment uses small herbal pouches filled with herbs that are warmed in medicated oilsto enhance the pain-relieving effects. These pouches are then used to massage the entire body or specific areas. It is an effective treatment for relieving arthritis, paralysis, neuro-muscular diseases, degenerative joint disorders, rheumatic disorders and spondylitis.
10. Snehapanam
This treatment involves the oral administration of medicated oils, and also serves as a preparatory process for purification of the body. It can help relieve digestive disorders like ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome, skin diseases like psoriasis, rashes and boils, urinary disorders, diabetes, gout and epilepsy.
11. Yoni Prakshalanam
This treatment involves the cleansing of genital organs with medicated oils. It is an effective treatment for gynaecological disorders and also helps avoid fungal or yeast infections.
12. Lepanam
In this treatment, warm herbal paste is applied on the afflicted areas and allowed to dry. It alleviates a variety of inflammatory diseases of the body including rheumatoid arthritis, abscess, osteoarthritis, edema, gout, back aches, headaches and skin diseases.
All these treatments eliminate toxic elements from the body and as a result, drastically reduces the chances of a recurrence of the same ailment.
Ayurveda is not just a system of medicine. It is indeed a science and a way of life. Ayurveda briefly explains the knowledge of the do’s and don’ts one has to follow, which Favors the well-being of each individual to lead a healthy, happy and comfortable life, both physically and mentally. It also emphasizes that prevention is better than cure.Contrary to the modern medicine system, Ayurvedic treatments harness the power of nature and the body's inherent qualities to heal itself.